Who is Lantac-USA?
Lantac-USA is a branch of Lanner Tactical, which
manufactures AR’s and accessories in the United Kingdom. Lantac-USA parts are
manufactured and assembled right here in the US, more specifically in Nevada.
First Impressions
When I first opened up the little box that the prototype
came in I knew right away this was going to be a great compensator. Having four
relief holes on top and three ports on each side, there is plenty of room for the
gas to escape. The production run packaging will be in a clamshell and even
contain a free trial tube of FrogLube as well as a crush washer. The muzzle brake
was also individually serialized. Lantac informed me that this is for
quality control purposes. Unfortunately there are no special requests for
serial numbers.
Installation was a very simple. The hardest part of
installing it was removing the A2 flash hider currently on my AR. Once that was
off and a new crush washer was on the Dragon threaded very close to its final
position hand tight and only required a slight turn with the armorers tool to
align it correctly with the port holes, and logo directly on top.
Range Time
I was excited to finally get to the range after being delayed
due to family being in town. Once I got to the range and had everything setup,
I was a little nervous to fire the first shot. I am that person that drives
down the road wondering if I turned the stove off even if I did not cook that
day. After reassuring myself that everything was aligned and ready to go, I
took aim. The first shot rang out and I immediately noticed three things.
First, the sound was extremely loud compared to other brakes I have used in the
past. The second thing was the amount of gas that is dissipated from the muzzle
was nothing short of impressive. The last thing that I noticed was the fact
that there was very limited muzzle rise and all the recoil was forced straight
back through the center line of the carbine. As loud as it was, I instantly
fell in love with it and had to keep going. Shooting in the afternoon I was a
little upset that I would not see the fireballs that were evident in Lantac’s
promo video. I quickly found out that was a bad assumption. Every few shots a
ball of fire would blow out of it like a fire breathing Dragon (ironic, huh?).
After Action Report
After I finished up firing the three magazines that I had
brought with me to the range, I did not want to stop shooting. Shooting the Dragon
made me take my mind off of the high ammo prices and made it fun again.
Recently my AR has just sat at home in the safe due to me not wanting to expend
the ammunition that I keep on hand. I would highly recommend doubling up on ear
protection especially when going to an indoor range. I feel that Lantac has
delivered on their trailer video, with a very high quality piece of hardware. Overall
I was very impressed and can’t wait to order one for my personal AR.
The compensators are due to ship in the coming weeks. The
MSRP of the Dragon is $140 making it one of the more expensive brakes on the
market. Currently you can preorder them on our website whitewolftactical.com.
If you use coupon code “DRAGON” you will save $10 off your purchase of the muzzle brake.