Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I am blessed and privileged to know many good men who have served in our armed forces. I am thankful to each and every single one of them for their service and sacrifice. We have had many different conversations and we have talked about stories from the traumas they they saw. Being that I am a medic find those stories interesting because I don't see those kind of things every day. One of the stories did happen to deal with a trauma involving the use of  tourniquets. The use of a TQ saved the soldiers life.  

When I was given the opportunity to review this BLOCS Quick-Eject Tourniquet Carrier (BQETC) from S.O. Tech, I was really excited. No its not an exciting piece of tactical gear, but its gear that really makes a difference. It gives those in harms way a carry their tourniquets that does not involve any ghetto rigging. The TQ carrier shields the TQ from the elements to ensure that it works exactly when needed, and allow convenient access. The versatility is also a huge plus. If can be carried on a belt, vest or backpack very easily. It can be used one handed

As you can see, its very small, and no larger then a mag pouch. The tab at the top allows the user to open it one handed. It takes basically no space and is a great addition to any plate carrier. Gone are the days where guys zip tie, or rubber band their TQ's to their vests

The question:
Is it worth having? I will answer it this way. At this very second it is nestled right by my pistol mags on my vest and its not leaving any time soon. 

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